
Our ecological and environmental commitments

HaiSoft is committed to using 20% green electricity, supplied and guaranteed by EDF, to power the servers provided to our customers. This encourages the sector and ensures that more green energy is produced, allowing us to increase this proportion as soon as possible while continuing to provide reliable service to our customers.

HaiSoft is committed to using 100% green electricity guaranteed by contract with Direct Energie, in the Management and Support premises, to contribute, through the purchase of certificates, to the even stronger development of renewable energies.

HaiSoft is committed to using as little paper and ink as possible. We use a Zero Paper policy for all customer and supplier documents.

HaiSoft ensures that its employees and those of its partners live and work in nearby locations. Thus, each employee takes on average less than 15 minutes to get from their home to their workplace, and does so either on foot, by bike, or using public transportation for the most part.

To reduce their ecological footprint, business trips are generally made by train or car, with a preference for carpooling, and trips by plane are minimized.

Our commitments to the community

HaiSoft is a local company, established in Orléans, with clients throughout France, Europe, and countries around the Mediterranean. Purchasing and human resource management is done to prioritize and develop local employment, both internally and through our suppliers and customers.