
Terms beginning with a capital letter are defined in the glossary of the Terms of Use of the site.


Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy (France), Users of the website are informed of the identity of the various participants in its creation and maintenance:
The owner and/or publisher is a legal entity.
Owner and/or publisher of the site: HaiSoft
Statut : SARL - RCS : 451475651
Adresse éditeur : 7 rue Vieille Levée, 45100 ORLEANS, France
Responsable publication : Monsieur Frédéric VAGNER, Gérant
Mail responsable publication :
The site is hosted by the publisher.

Personal information collected

In France, Personal Information is protected in particular by Law No. 78-87 of January 6, 1978, Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, Article 226-16 of the Penal Code and European Directive No. 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 24, 1995.

As of May 25, 2018, the European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data comes into force and strengthens the legislation concerning information and data security with the GDPR.

When using the website, the following information is collected in particular, which is not considered personal (the «Non-Personal Information»):

the URL Internet address of the links through which the User accessed the site

the User's access provider.

When using the website, information is collected that is considered Personal Information:

Identification data (last name, first name, address, email and telephone number)

Connection data (IP address and connection times)

Billing data (credit card and bank account number)

Service data (types, purchase dates, domain or server name, end date)

Support data (email, exchange tickets between the customer and the services)

The User provides the said Additional Personal Information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he enters it himself.
The User of the website is then informed of the mandatory or optional nature of the Personal Information that he would be required to provide.

The User who proves his identity has the possibility to request from HaiSoft, at the email address

the verification of the personal data collected and held by HaiSoft or on his behalf

the disclosure of a copy of this data provided free of charge, to the extent that such a request is not abusive, in particular due to its repetitive and disproportionate nature.

No Personal Information (including Additional Personal Information, if applicable) of the User of the website is:

collected without the User's knowledge

published without the User's knowledge

exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium to third parties

Any collected data remains physically hosted on HaiSoft's servers and may be transferred to different servers for the proper execution of the requested services, in particular for the registration of domain names, for which the personal data of the holders of the so-called domain names will be provided to the service providers responsible for making these domain names available.

HaiSoft is authorised to carry out statistical studies and analysis on the use and typology of Users of the website, subject to maintaining the anonymity of the latter.

Purposes of data processing

HaiSoft SARL collects the personal data of its customers for the following purposes:

Management of customer accounts

Management of customer contacts

Management of domain name contacts

Commercial management and invoicing

Rectification of collected Personal Information

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, the User has the right to recover, access and modify the personal data collected related to him. To do this, the User sends to HaiSoft, either:

an email to the address

a letter to the address 7 rue Vieille Levée, 45100 ORLEANS, France

indicating his name or company name, his physical and/or electronic contact details, as well as, where applicable, the reference he would have as a customer of the website
The modification will take place within a reasonable time from receipt of the User's request.
The modification can also be made directly by the user, if he is a customer, in the Client Area of ​​the site. This update is then taken into account immediately.

Payment methods

When making a purchase on the website, the user can use one of the following payment methods:

VISA Carte Bleue, VISA International Cards and MasterCard

American Express Cards

By bank transfer to our bank account


A «Cookie» allows the identification of the User, the customisation of his consultation of the website and the acceleration of the layout of the site by saving a data file on his computer.
The User acknowledges being informed of this practice and authorises HaiSoft to proceed with it.
In any event, HaiSoft will never communicate the content of these «Cookies» to third parties, except in the event of a legal requisition.
The User can refuse the recording of «Cookies» or configure his browser to be warned before accepting «Cookies». To do this, the User will proceed to the configuration of his browser from the «options» menu for Firefox, or «tool» for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Regarding Google Cookies which are authorised by default, the user can modify this parameter in the «options» dialog box.

Advertising nature of the content

HaiSoft informs the User, where applicable, of the advertising nature of the content of the website

Observations and suggestions

It is possible to send observations and suggestions to the website manager at the email address

Complaints and Escalation Procedures

If you have a complaint regarding the services provided by or purchased from HaiSoft, you should first contact Us by phone or by a Support Ticket in the Client Area.
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you can then contact Frédéric Vagner, the company's director, by email at
Si vous n'êtes toujours pas satisfait de la réponse fournie, et si cette plainte concerne un nom de domaine, vous pouvez contacter le Registre gérant l'extension du nom de domaine concerné :
- for domain names ending in .BE, you can contact DNS BE DNS BE
- for domain names ending in .EU, you can contact EurID EurID
- for domain names ending in .FR, you can contact AFNIC AFNIC
- for domain names ending in .UK, you can contact Nominet Nominet
- for other domain names, you can contact RRPProxy RRPProxy, our provider.

Date of last update

The last update of the legal notices was made on May 3, 2018.